Case Study

European Engineering Company Saves $400,000 USD on CAPEX Using Performance Engineering

Discover how PETROLTERV saved significant CAPEX on a revamp project due to greater design accuracy enabled by the integrated aspenONE Engineering suite of products. Due to efficiencies gained from using this integrated software suite, PETROLTERV no longer needed to outsource a large number of engineering projects, such as air cooler design, pressure safety valve sizing and more. By increasing their ability to complete more projects in-house, PETROLTERV has reduced project costs, as well as delivered those projects on time and on budget.

Case Study

Petrofac Improves Process Design Accuracy by Debottlenecking Gas Processes Increasing Capacity by 20%

Download this case study to learn how Petrofac used Aspen HYSYS with Activated EDR models to optimize heat exchanger selection and configuration for a gas production client. This solution achieved the client's goal by increasing gas field production 20%, and as a bonus, reduced CAPEX 25%.

Case Study

Aspen Mtell® Machine Learning Finds Cause of Compressor Failures at LNG Facility

Read how this LNG facility used Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance to provide up to 61 days advance notice of catastrophic compressor failures, preventing an economic loss of more than $40M USD per occurrence. Quick to implement and readily scalable, the solution provided key insights into the root cause of the failures.

Case Study

Saudi Aramco Increases Refinery Capacity by 100,000 Barrels/Day Using Plant Digital Twin

Learn how Saudi Aramco used Aspen HYSYS to analyze feasibility of refinery reconfiguration plans by developing plant digital twins of multiple units. The new reconfiguration plan projects a 100,000 barrels/day increase in the refinery’s processing capacity, a substantial reduction in fuel oil production together with a significant boost in diesel production capacity.

Case Study

ダイセルがAspen Polymers™で実験回数を削減 し、イノベーションを加速


Case Study

ダイセルがAspen Polymers™で実験回数を削減 し、イノベーションを加速


Case Study

日本の製薬会社がAspen Plus®で 品質改善を実現

日本に本社を置き、創業から140年の歴史を誇るグローバル製薬会社がAspen Plusを導入して新規原薬(API)の合成を改善しました。同社は、創薬に重点を置きながら医薬品や医療機器の研究開発から製造、販売まで行っています。

Case Study

日本の製薬会社がAspen Plus®で 品質改善を実現

日本に本社を置き、創業から140年の歴史を誇るグローバル製薬会社がAspen Plusを導入して新規原薬(API)の合成を改善しました。同社は、創薬に重点を置きながら医薬品や医療機器の研究開発から製造、販売まで行っています。


Bringing the Power of Industrial AI to the Chemical Industry

Leaders often wonder, where do we apply digital technologies to the challenges in our business? How can we chart our success? This uncertainty is understandable considering the technology’s complexity and rapid evolution, but understanding and integrating artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly critical to competitiveness in the chemical industry.


Aspen Utilities OnLine Optimizer

Aspen Utilities OnLine Optimizer is an integrated software solution that enables process plant operators to manage and optimize the way they use and source energy in the power station and across an entire production site. In this brochure you will learn how it enables companies to ensure that all their processes receive reliable supplies, while at the same time minimizing running costs by reducing overall consumption and identifying the most economical sources of supply.

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