
Aspen Plant Scheduler with Mtell

Watch this video for an introduction of how Aspen Plant Scheduler and Aspen Mtell work together to predict and minimize the impact of downtime


Aspen Unified, la nouvelle génération de planification et d'ordonnacement

Les raffineries du monde entier ont économisé des milliards de dollars en optimisant leur production et leurs chaînes d'approvisionnement en pétrole. Cependant, il existe encore plus d'opportunités, certaines en résolvant des problèmes opérationnels et d'autres en comblant les écarts entre la planification, l'ordonnancement et les opérations. Le marché mondial d’aujourd’hui continue de mettre les planificateurs au défi d’optimiser les opérations. La volatilité des prix et de la demande ont un impact sur les matières premières et la sélection des produits, tandis que les opportunités disponibles dans le marché nécessitent une prise de décision rapide et agile


Aspen Unified, a próxima geração em planejamento e programação

Aspen Unified reúne planejamento e programação em um só ambiente para melhorar a tomada de decisões e obter margens mais altas. Descubra como você pode automatizar tarefas rotineiras, como reconciliar com dados reais da planta, visualizar resultados, criar conjuntos de casos e criar o primeiro cronograma viável, economizando centenas de horas de trabalho por ano.


Aspen Unified 下一代计划和调度

Aspen Unified将计划和调度集中在一个环境中,以改善决策以增加利润。学习如何自动化日常任务,如与实际工厂数据核对、可视化结果、创建案例集和制定第一个可行的时间表-每年节省数百个工时。


Batch Performance Management

Improve operational performance with real-time visualization to increase visibility, agility and responsive to production problems with batch performance management.


Physical Property Estimation - Application Overview

By using robust physical properties databanks and estimation capabilities, engineers are empowered to start modeling efforts with confidence. Using AspenTech’s Best-in-class physical properties for simulations, you have access to deep databanks, powerful property estimation, unique electrolyte data, and intuitive data regression capabilities. Watch now to learn more.


Operator Training Simulator Deployment- Application Overview

Operator Training Simulators (OTSs) are useful for training new and experienced operators on startups, shutdowns, and operational changes. Built with the OTS Software from Inprocess Technology and Consulting Group, the New Aspen Operating Training enables a Full Dynamic lifecycle for OTS Deployment. Watch now to learn more.


Integration with Detailed Engineering- Application Overview

Extending one common estimating platform from conceptual engineering through detailed design optimizes CAPEX and minimizes estimating risk. Aspen Capital Cost Estiamtor is an integrated estimation tool from project start to finish that delivers optimized designs at the right cost, with less rewor. Watch now to learn more.  


Recipe Based Process Scale Up - Application Overview

With Recipe-based modeling, chemists and engineers can work together to develop new processes faster, remove equipment and schedule limitations, and transfer technology smoothly between sites and departments.  With Aspen Batch Process Developer use recipe-based modeling solutions to develop your batch process from lab to plant using models that grow with the scale of your batch process.  Watch now to learn more.


Project Cost Estimation- Application Overview

Owner operator’s seek to understand the sources of cost from a bid received from an engineering and construction firm to remove unnecessary CAPEX and improve the design, benefiting both parties. A shared model based platform improves transparency, improves design and lowers CAPEX. Watch now to learn more.

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