
Batch Process Improvement - Application Overview

The batch processing industries are taking advantage of simulation to accelerate innovation and optimize production of some of their most challenging products. Using Aspen Plus, accomplish quick and easy modeling of your most challenging batch processes. With a common platform from development through product lifecycle. Watch now to learn more.


Achieving Capital Project Efficiency

With rising capital cost overruns and more projects falling behind schedule, EPCs need an estimating system that enables them to bid on projects precisely and efficiently. Hear Ron Beck, Director of Industry Marketing at AspenTech, describe the unique benefits of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator compared to traditional estimating approaches.


Activated EDR in Aspen HYSYS

Learn how to save on energy, CAPEX and OPEX by improving the fidelity of your process simulation flowsheets using rigorous heat exchanger models. Now it is easier than ever to generate rigorous heat exchanger models from Aspen HYSYS using the Activated Exchanger Design & Rating capability.


Optimization with Custom Equipment - Application Overview

With custom modeling capabilities, engineers are empowered to eliminate barriers to optimize processes with special equipment and operations. With AspenTech’s custom modeling solution, take advantage of flowsheet style simulations, rich plotting, the ability to link models to excel, and built-in property data to build easy custom processes for chemical engineers. Watch now to learn more.


Concurrent Conceptual Engineering - Application Overview

Choosing options and alternatives rapidly and agilely (sometimes called optioneering), empowers engineers to reduce CAPEX when performing conceptual engineering design work. aspenONE Engineering delivers the solution through the only “activated” engineering workflow that seamlessly integrates all design, safety, energy  and project cost estimate functions, concurrently, delivering a lower CAPEX project, sooner. Watch this video to learn more


Video with ADM: The Value of the Offline Optimizer

In this clip from the ADM On-Demand Webinar, Improving Profitability Using Operational Analytics, Scott Harmeier discusses the value of the offline optimizer using Aspen ProMV™.


Bidding & Cost Estimation - Application Overview

When project managers and estimators eliminate bidding and estimating sources of risk, they are empowered to produce optimized bids and estimates faster with less errors, resulting in lower CAPEX bids and estimates. Aspen Capital Cost Estimator is an integrated model-based estimating system delivering the power to minimize estimating risk, develop bids faster with improved consistency and accuracy. Watch now to learn more


Video with ADM: Finding the Source of Quality Problems

In this clip from the ADM On-Demand Webinar, Improving Profitability Using Operational Analytics, Scott Harmeier digs into the source of quality problems using Aspen ProMV™.


Video with ADM: Inferential Measurement for Viscosity

In this clip from the ADM On-Demand Webinar, Improving Profitability Using Operational Analytics, Scott Harmeier reviews an inferential measurement for process viscosity using Aspen ProMV™.


Achieving a Sustainable, Profitable Operation

How do we meet the expectations of a growing population, but also address sustainability? This short video featuring Antonio Pietri, CEO Aspen Technology, discusses this dual challenge and the new levels of operational excellence in the capital intensive industries.

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