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最近のGartnerの調査によると、製造業の回答者の85%が、スマート製造戦略に関連する最大の課題は他のサプライチェーン機能との統合であると報告しています。 本ホワイトペーパーでは、業界のリーダーがバリューチェーン全体を調整し、顧客中心、収益性、需要と供給の変化への対応を強化した事例をご紹介しております。


The Rise of Agile Cost Management

Think about estimating as a new way for business success for an E&C.


Weather the Storm with These Refinery and Olefins Planning Best Practices

This blog is the second blog in the PSC Best Practices Blog Series. Patrick explains how advanced planning technology and best practices can help 'weather the storm' of the volatile energy industry.

White Paper

Making Profitable Digital Strides in Batch Processing: How to See ROI in Months When the Future is Unpredictable

Regardless of what our plans were in January 2020, nothing is the same in 2021 or the future. A digital strategy is no longer limited to a subset of impacted functions, but touches everyone’s goals organization-wide in some way, shape or form.

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ハイブリッドモデリング: AIと専門知識の組み合わせでアセットを最適化



How KPI Hierarchies Solve the Performance Visibility Problem

Effective KPIs and KPI hierarchies are one of 6 Keys to Improving Operational Effectiveness. A properly designed hierarchy of KPIs, aligned throughout the layers of the organization, will ensure that performance of lower level KPIs will produce corresponding improvements in the highest level KPIs.

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Manufacturing Cost Competitiveness in Commodity Chemicals: Five Essential Principles for Emerging Market Producers

All chemical facilities have opportunities to reduce manufacturing costs, including newer, state-of-the art plants, older plants and those in between. Leading global producers have demonstrated reduced energy consumption, increased yield and higher reliability by simply improving operational practices through the application of advanced technology.


Integrating Batch Processing in a Continuous Processing Culture

The infrastructure supporting manufacturing operations in bulk chemicals has become pretty robust. The plants tend to be well instrumented and monitored. Sure, there are improvements to be made but when you compare the infrastructure prevalent in continuous plants with that of batch plants, you might find a pretty substantial gap.

White Paper

从容做出运行决策: 为您现有的化工厂建模的 10 个理由



Organizational Excellence and Estimating Risk: Driving to Better Estimates

Both EPCs and owner-operators need to look at better estimating business processes and systems. That spreadsheet approaches are a major project risk and bottleneck.

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