
Calibrate Models with Plant Data in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

With the new Plant Data feature, you can save time by connecting to plant data and calibrating directly within the Aspen HYSYS or Aspen Plus environment. Create a digital twin of your plant.


Centralized Performance Monitoring

Monitor and share your most important KPIs with real-time visibility into asset performance across your enterprise with Centralized Performance Monitoring.


Представляем Aspen Unified

Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы уже сэкономили миллиарды долларов за счет оптимизации своих производств и цепочек поставок. Однако, все еще есть дополнительные возможности дальнейшей оптимизации как за счет решения оперативных производственных вопросов, так и за счет сокращения расхождения между объемным, календарным планированием и фактическим производством.


Convergence of AI & lloT: Accelerate your Industrial Digital Transformation

At CERAWeek 2021, Bill Scudder, Senior Vice President and GM of AIoT Solutions at Aspen Technology, discussed the convergence of AI and IIoT into a new paradigm: The Artificial Intelligence of Things or AIoT. He described how a variety of market forces are putting increased pressure on operators to improve their operational efficiency. These forces include economic, sustainability, workforce and technology. Bill illustrated how industrial AI is defined by three domains, software at scale, data science/AI and domain expertise, and that, to be successful, Industrial AI solutions need to encompass all three domains. Finally, Bill introduced the vision of the Self-Optimizing Plant and the necessity of robust Industrial AI infrastructure to support it.


AspenTech Manuchem Presentation: Adapting to Uncertainty and Complexity

View this on-demand video from the Manuchem Conference and learn how your peers are adapting to supply chain volatility, protecting personnel while ensuring business continuity and preparing for the post pandemic recovery stage. In addition, hear our perspective on how supply chain digital twin technology has proven to be an extremely valuable solution and will continue to be vital as companies prepare for future growth.


Column Analysis in Aspen Plus V9

Column Analysis in Aspen Plus allows you to view the whole column, identify any hydraulic issues, understand the operating range, and communicate your findings. See the impact of modifications in packing and trays, and cost as you make changes.


AspenTech Schedule Explorer: El Futuro de la Colaboración

Cierre la brecha entre la planificación de ventas y operaciones y la ejecución de fabricación alineando la cadena de suministro y las operaciones, promoviendo una ejecución impecable y una toma de decisiones proactiva.


Collaborative Demand Manager for Chemicals

Watch this video for an in-depth view of how Aspen Collaborative Demand Manager for Chemicals can improve your forecasting and demand management process.


Asset Analytics Root Cause Analytics Demo

Root Cause determines the weaknesses in processes so that the real cause or reason for a failure in a process can be eliminated. RCA looks upward into a process and prioritizes the weaknesses that might contribute to potential failures.


Cómo la IA con aplicación en industria le ayudará a formar su futuro

Definir su futuro significa construir sobre el pasado. El mundo está en constante cambio y AspenTech tiene la experiencia para prepararlo para el futuro. Lo ayudaremos a alcanzar nuevos niveles de confiabilidad, eficiencia y agilidad aprovechando el poder de la inteligencia artificial para ejecutar sus operaciones de manera más segura, ecológica, prolongada y rápida. Su futuro comienza ahora. Mire este video para saber AspenTech le ayudará a dar el siguiente paso hacia el futuro.

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