
Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights是基于混合云的独特软件产品,具有灵活的企业可视化和工作流程管理解决方案,可为整个企业提供实时决策支持。下载此手册,了解Aspen Enterprise Insights如何帮助领先企业每年增加1000万美元利润,并在项目报告中实现成本和人力节省75%。


Aspen Plus: Simulación de proceso para la industria química

Aspen Plus fomenta el desempeño de procesos químicos usando el mejor software de simulación en su clase para las industrias de químicos a granel, productos químicos de especialidad y farmacéutica. Esta poderosa tecnología de modelado permite la optimización de la cantidad de material procesado, la calidad del producto y en uso de energía en operaciones por lote, continuas y combinadas.


Aspen Plus Brochure: Process Simulation for Chemicals

Aspen Plus advances the performance of chemical processes using the best-in-class simulation software for bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. This powerful modeling technology enables optimization of throughput, product quality and energy use in processes with batch, continuous, and mixed batch and continuous operations.


Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights is a unique hybrid-cloud-based software product with a flexible enterprise visualization and workflow management solution that delivers real-time decision support across your enterprise. Download this brochure to learn how Aspen Enterprise Insights is helping leading companies increase margins by $10M per year and realize 75% cost and effort savings in project reporting.


Aspen Plant Scheduler

Generate optimal production schedules to maximize profitability and meet service levels with the Aspen Plant Scheduler Family.


Aspen GDOT™ para a Indústria de Olefinas

Feche a lacuna entre planejamento e operações reais com a Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT™ alinha os objetivos de planejamento e programação, otimizando e coordenando dinamicamente várias unidades de processos em tempo real para garantir os melhores resultados econômicos em toda a unidade de forma consistente minuto a minuto. Baixe a brochura para descobrir como as empresas estão minimizando as perdas de produção, aumentando a produtividade, melhorando os rendimentos e muito mais!


Case Study - Optimization of Refinery Middle Distillate System

This article appeared in the 2018 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Conference Daily (Oct 2018) that highlighted the Operational Planning, Control and Automation Technologies session during which Chevron talked about the closed-loop, real-time coordination of a refinery middle distillate system, the benefits and key takeaways.


Aspen PIMS Family

Aspen PIMS is a scalable planning system that helps companies optimize feedstock selection, product slate, plant design, and operational execution. Learn how the how Aspen PIMS family can enable you to make fast, accurate, and profitable decisions about plant operations and much more.


Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Family

Heat exchangers can comprise up to 30% of capital equipment and impact 90% of the energy used in a process plant. The conventional workflow for heat exchanger design requires manual data transfer. The process is time-consuming and prone to data transcription errors. The Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating product family integrates rigorous process models with the industry’s most comprehensive heat exchanger modeling capabilities. In this brochure you will learn how the these fully integrated tools for process design increases engineering efficiency, reduces exchanger costs and improves reliability.


Blacks Swans and Gray Rhinos: Building Future Resilience

As all companies have been challenged by the current economic and health crisis, the successful recovery requires a new view toward future development and growth with metrics that consider broad and more long-term goals. Featured in Hydrocarbon Processing, AspenTech’s Paige Morse shares considerations for building future resiliency that center around digitalization.

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