Production Optimization for Commodity Polymers

Close the gap between planning and execution by improving asset utilization and ensuring efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes.

Production Optimization for Refining

AspenTech's Production Optimization for Refining solution simulates production schedules, dynamically optimize multiple units in real-time and more.

Case Study

Data-Driven Maintenance Planning Saves $1.8 Million USD Per Year in Shutdown Costs

A global provider of knowledge-based maintenance, modifications and asset integrity services wanted to take a more data-driven approach to planned maintenance and reduce unplanned downtime to optimize lifecycle costs.

Case Study

Mine Moves from Calendar-based to Prescriptive Maintenance with Aspen Mtell

When one of the world’s largest fully integrated zinc and lead smelting and refining complexes wanted to improve their metallurgical operations, the company turned to Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance.

Case Study

Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds Cause of Quench Oil High-Viscosity Issue

One of the world's largest chemical, plastic and refining companies used Aspen ProMV to understand and resolve production problems caused by an ongoing quench oil high-viscosity issue. In this case study, learn how Aspen ProMV enabled the company to highlight the top process variables highly correlated with viscosity issues, and quickly guided process engineers to the underlying issue to limit losses.

Case Study


了解凯诺斯公司如何借助Aspen Plus®间歇模拟,获得关于流程的宝贵见解,从而减少工厂试验和实验,保证流程响应不断变化的客户需求。

Case Study

Increasing Capacity in Sulfur Production Using Sulsim Modeling

Siirtec Nigi increased their sulfur production from 50 to 90 tons per day using Aspen HYSYS Sulsim to simulate the case study and conduct a sensitivity analysis around their oxygen enrichment. The new process required minimal equipment changes and no additional downtime other than turnaround.

Case Study

De reactivo a proactivo: Genere mejores resultados comerciales con machine learning

Conozca cómo se utilizó la tecnología de mantenimiento predictivo de Aspen Mtell para saber con 27 días de anticipación sobre fallas de la válvula central de una planta de plásticos especializada.

Case Study

Refinery Optimizes Middle Distillate System in Real Time with Aspen GDOT™

Learn how one of world’s largest multinational energy companies used Aspen GDOT to maximize production of specific diesel and jet fuel products at one of its refineries. By using real-time optimization across multiple APC units, the refinery was able to decrease sulfur giveaway by 70%. Download this case study to learn how you can optimize production and reduce product giveaway.

Case Study

Customer Testimonial: DeNovo Drives Operational Excellence through Dynamic Simulation and Real-Time Insights

Learn why DeNovo chose to deploy aspenONE® solutions to maximize production output while drastically reducing operations and maintenance costs.

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