White Paper

Innovating and Commercializing Carbon Capture Processes Through Predictive Modeling

Carbon capture continues to be top of mind for energy and chemical companies as they navigate the energy transition, but what is the best approach to achieve mitigation goals? Accurate process modeling is a crucial requirement to select the right processes. In this white paper you will learn how advancements in predictive modeling technology enable you to design the most operable, energy efficient and sustainable solutions.

White Paper



On-Demand Webinar

Webinar with Plant Services: Asset Performance Management - A Layered Approach to Financially Optimized Asset Performance

Volatility in today’s markets is driving innovation across the Asset Performance Management (APM) space, demanding new levels of operational excellence and more dynamic approaches to achieve company goals. A holistic solution looks beyond just optimizing maintenance processes to deliver Financially Optimized Asset Performance. AspenTech refers to this as Autonomous Reliability.

On-Demand Webinar

What the Latest Industrial AI Research Reveals About the Plant of the Future

This on-demand webinar explains the results in the State of Industrial AI 2021 research report.


State of Industrial AI 2021

This research report reveals how industrial organizations are adopting AI as part of their digital transformation.


Artificial Intelligence can Elevate Pharma Manufacturing

Unnecessary downtime can be expensive for pharmaceutical manufacturing operations; unplanned stoppages can delay the delivery of much needed product, potentially causing damage to a company's reputation.


Emerson to Accelerate Software Strategy to Capitalize on High Growth Industry Verticals and Technology Segments in Transaction with AspenTech

Emerson to Accelerate Software Strategy to Capitalize on High Growth Industry Verticals

On-Demand Webinar

Optimice el diseño de los proyectos, CAPEX y la planificación de la construcción desde etapas tempranas con Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout™

Actualmente existe mucho interés en las iniciativas de digitalización en la industria de proceso, diseño de equipos, diseño de tuberías, la estimación de costos y la planificación de la construcción. Durante este webinar conozca cómo puede aprovechar los datos de ingeniería y estimación de una forma más eficiente para una finalización de FEED más rápida y transferencia de datos a ingeniería de detalle.

On-Demand Webinar

Optimize Early Plant Design, Estimating and Construction Planning with Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout™

With digital initiatives underway in the process industries, equipment layout, piping design, cost estimation and construction planning are getting a long-overdue overhaul. Learn how you can more easily move your engineering and estimating data across these functions for faster, more efficient FEED completion and handoff to detailed design.

White Paper

Гибридное моделирование: Объединение ИИ и экспертных знаний для оптимизации производственных активов

В этом документе приведено краткое описание бизнес-задач, решение которых обеспечивается данной новой технологией, три типа гибридных моделей, которые AspenTech представляет на рынке,  несколько непосредственных областей, в которых они будут создавать ценность, а также уникальные возможности компании AspenTech в поддержке этой новой технологии для возможностей перерабатывающей промышленности  пройти через нестабильный и неопределенный период.

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