On-Demand Webinar

Unlock Value from Industrial Data with AWS and AspenTech

Join experts from AWS and AspenTech as they explain how to unlock hidden value from industrial data.

Case Study

MOL Group Impulsa la digitalización en asociación con AspenTech

En este caso de éxito, descubra cómo MOL agregó recientemente el software Aspen Mtell® del paquete de software AspenONE® Asset Performance Management (APM) a su cartera de soluciones AspenTech para impulsar la eficiencia en las operaciones de la planta y aumentar la sostenibilidad. Esto supuso una importante contribución para los operadores a la hora de acelerar los planes de digitalización. Aspen Mtell se ha convertido en una parte integral del plan de digitalización estratégica de MOL, que incluye iniciativas para extraer mayor valor de sus activos y aumentar la disponibilidad general de la planta a más del 96 por ciento.

Case Study

MOL Group Drives Digitalization in Partnership with AspenTech

In this customer success story, learn how MOL recently added Aspen Mtell® software from the AspenONE® Asset Performance Management (APM) software suite to its portfolio of AspenTech solutions to drive efficiencies across plant operations and increase sustainability. This made a major contribution to operators in accelerating digitalization plans. Aspen Mtell has become an integral part of MOL’s strategic digitalization plan, which includes initiatives to extract increased value from its assets and increase overall plant availability to 96+ percent.

Interactive Infographic

Digitalize Batch Execution and Records With Aspen Production Execution Manager™

How are you keeping up with growing demand? Digitalize batch execution and records with Aspen Production Execution Manager™ to accelerate time-to-market with accuracy while maintaining regulatory compliance.


APAC Executive Xchange: Innovation in the Pursuit of Sustainability

Decoupling economic growth from resource depletion and environmental impact has become a keen focus of today's energy and chemical industry. Reductions in carbon emission and waste, overall reduction in fossil fuel use, and extending material use are all driving investments.

News Article

RFID, sensor data just the beginning of the connected supply chain

Supply Chain Dive - RFID sensor data just the beginning of the connected supply chain

On-Demand Webinar

Polymer Digital Twin: Enabling Plant of the Future for a Global Energy-Petrochemical Major

In this session from OPTIMIZE™ 21, learn how how Polymer Digital Twin models built by Equinox Software and Services Pvt. Ltd. (EQNX) helped build capabilities at a Greenfield Polymer manufacturing facility. The Digital Twin Process models using Aspen Plus® were deployed prior to the plant commissioning, helping the Operations team to quickly build capabilities for Polymer manufacturing enabling agility, collaboration and profitability from the first day of operations of the integrated refinery, petrochemical and polymer complex.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Karen Golz as Newly Appointed Audit Committee Chair

Aspen Technology Announces Karen Golz as Newly Appointed Audit Committee Chair


Aspen GDOT™ para Productores de Olefinas

Cierre la brecha entre la planificación y las operaciones reales con Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT alinea la planificación y la programación al optimizar dinámicamente y coordinar múltiples unidades de procesos en tiempo real para garantizar los mejores resultados económicos a nivel sitio de manera consistente y de minuto en minuto. ¡Descargue este brochure para descubrir cómo las empresas están minimizando el regalo de calidad de producto, aumentando la producción, mejorando el rendimiento y mucho más!

Case Study

SABIC Continuously Optimizes its Utility System to Reduce Emissions and Increase Plant Energy Efficiencies

SABIC is a leading multinational manufacturing company, specializing in the manufacture of petrochemicals, chemicals, industrial polymers, fertilizers and metals. Energy efficiency is a key focus area for SABIC. To close the gap towards achieving 2025 goals, SABIC identified the need to quantify energy losses and execute actions to optimize operations while addressing daily plant challenges.

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